From the Newcastle Chronicle, 1 May 1875
The export of coal for the week ending Friday April 30th, amounted to 20,440 tons , of which, 7248 tons were sent to Sydney, 4533 to Melbourne, 2988 to Adelaide, 3113 to Wallaroo, 907 to Hongkong, 3800 to San Francisco, 1047 to China, 386 for the steamers, and 812 for home consumption.
Of the above quantity, the A A Company sent away 4396 tons, Wallsend, 6052 tons, Lambton, 2084 tons, Waratah, 2877 tons, Co-operative Co, 4649 tons, New Lambton, 3407 tons, Anvil Creek, l159 tons, Greta, 1822 tons.
Image courtesy George Freeman Album. Pilgrim Boston loads coal in Newcastle circa 1880.

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