These images of assorted Newcastle and Hunter shops and businesses are from just fifty years ago. So recent they might be considered worthless because so many of us clearly remember the shops and businesses.
Although sourced from discarded advertising material, they will, as the years pass, grow their historic importance. They were taken for television advertising. The black and white prints were pre-colour, early 70s. When NBN went colour in '75 the photography became colour and that film stock didn't age well. With some, you'll see, it was a struggle to retrieve the true colour.
Viewing in gallery mode is accessed by clicking on any image and then swipe/click etc.
PS: If you know, do supply addresses for the photos in the comments at page
bottom. I'll credit you by name or the supplied handle in case there's other
opinions, and to not expropriate another's knowledge. Plus it adds to the
conversational tone, as I have insufficient factual knowledge to provide
much if any context or narrative!
Image info: Photos are scanned from mono and colour negatives. Colour has
suffered in most cases after 50 years. Image size as published is 1900px
wide and although heavily compressed jpegs, they view well on large TVs.
Credit: Photographers (most likely are): Ian Holt, Neville Fuller, Stewart Osland. Let's know if you're one, too. None were annotated or dated, so it's your best guess. But confident they are from 1970 to late 70s.
810 Hunter St, corner of Hunter and Florence Sts. (Thx Rob)
"Amart on
the Hunter and Florence St corner was originally a service station for many
years also let's not forget the Ambassador hotel up stairs" ~ anon thx.
Edit: Barb commented "The Ambassador was actually up the road at 800 Hunter Street... cheers!" and this is confirmed by our trusty 1970s phone book. But researching this page has taught, it's that 1. Some businesses had more than one Hunter Street address at the same time; 2. Shops especially tended to move camp quite often.
Angus and Coote - Optometrists.
In 1976 located at 253 Hunter St.
Is that Margo Frock Salon at left? It was then at 103 Hunter.
The eye chart is reversed because the patient reads it in a mirror.
Angus and Robertson
Garden City store
Art Fair Gallery
Rob places this at 355 Hunter St between Wheeler Place & Burwood St. I would have incorrectly guessed Burwood St, forgetting that Woodeys had a Hunter St entrance. Newcastle Travel (further below) also lived here, most probably next.
Allen's Chocky sales pitch
Ever wondered (like me) how so many products end up on those shelves in these pics? Apparently it's just like in the movies. Almost certain this was in the 'old' (original) NBN TV boardroom.
Belmont 16s
we assume, from 1975ish. Let's know if not.
Belmont Sportsmens Club
Was this at Maude St Belmont. Is it same as pictured in Google 2020 street view?
Best & Less
Garden City store
Bill Walmsley Mens Wear
Walmsleys also had shops at Cardiff (278 Main Rd), Belmont 534 Pacific Hwy),
and Garden City. All below are presumed to be at Hamilton, except the final,
according to "278" is at Cardiff.
Now, either these are wrongly included with the promo shots, or the photographer arrived early... :)
Observez vous the couple in the 1st floor window...
Below: From a later shoot. Warmsley's Hamilton store at 142 Beaumont Street. The letter box is still there today, as is Sussan. Thanks Rob :0)
Bonner's Boutique
Might be 270 Maitland Rd Mayfield.
Wondering about the shop dummies? Let me explain:
"Should I use mannequins or hire a model?"
"Let me put it this way. You can hire models for $250 an hour each, plus
agency fees, plus booking fee, plus hairstylist, makeup artist, hygienist,
OH&S consultant, personal trainer, security, catering, and assorted
sundries and hangers-on... could run to $10K for the half-day. Or hire two
mannequins for ten bucks a week. Your call."
Bos Bros Carpets - sadly just the one pic
591 Hunter Street
Newcastle West
Caldwells Jewellers
Corner of Hunter and Wolfe Streets at 159
Centre Hardware
Garden City
Charlestown Mall
Civic Homes & Real Estate
Was this 95 Darby Street?
Coles New World Supermarket
Bob Nimmo adds that Coles New World is at the Junction. Main entrance and carpark was at the back on Farquah St. It only had a small entrance on the left of building with high windows facing onto Union street.
"Danilo's was at 66 Beaumont St Hamilton. Currently Son Of A Gun restaurant. Rob"
Darrell Lea Kards and Kandy
David Brown Real Estate
Above: I don't think the entire property is on DB's books.
Below: Hurry, it won't last at this price...
David Jones
Garden City
Delaney Hotel - and NBN watering hole for 60 years.
Easthams (Victoria) Theatre Store
Below: Photographed from the stage?
116 Hunter St; also at Garden City (no pics)
Who can forget Arthur Warner?
Fanny's aka Argyle House
Argyle Street & Wharf Road Newcastle
Foley's Pianos
681b Hunter Street Newcastle West
Above: Back in the early 70s electric organs, like this Optigan, weren't exactly electric (as in, synthesisers). And below, moog was the big thing. Although in this case a mini-moog.
Furniture Upholsterer
Unknown, but possibly Staces at 682 Hunter
St, or Comfybilt at 640.
There are some clues, however. Partial word on the front window, and Bos Bros Caprets visible across the road. Circa 1974ish
Garden City
Hamilton Travel
119 Beaumont Street Hamilton
Henny Penny
I so enjoy their baked chicken dinner. These from about 1975-ish.
Homemaker Furniture
Not in the '76 directory, but looks so much
like Harvey Norman Discount Centre at Broadmeadow.
Hunter Blinds
Not in the '76 directory.
Hunter Hotel
Embossed on the front awning: "Newcastle City Council Buildings"
Hunter Sports
? Hunter Sports Supplies at 158 Maitland Rd Mayfield
Hustlers Department Store
122 Hunter St Newcastle. Also 395 High St
Maitland and 133 Vincent St Cessnock
Insulation IndustriesClyde St Hamilton North facing Chatham Rd.
Jack n Jill
Garden City
Jackson and McIlwaine
117 Hunter St; 399 Hunter St; 115 Beaumont St Hamilton; 182 Pacific Hwy
Plus a few candid shots of the talent...
Jaydee's Coiffure
3 Newcomen Street, Newcastle
John Peschars
Any guesses where this new shop was being finalised?
By 1977, after Mt Hutton, JP stores were Cessnock, Charlestown, Gosford,
Mayfield, Newcastle (Nat. Park St) & Tuggerah.
Johns product shoot in the studio. Warts and all, for interest.
200 Hunter St
Kane's Furniture
267 King Street which point the crew wandered off for lunch and left the talent to have at it.
Kangaroo Tent City
44 Maitland Rd Mayfield (opps Dangar Park)
Kathlyn's Beauty Salon
Garden City
Kellogs sales pitch
In the old Channel 3 boardroom
Kenwood sales pitch
Lighting Specialists
Next to Dangar Branch of Commonwealth Bank at 757 797
Hunter Street. *See note below.
Notes: Below, the bank door scanned at 3200dpi initially read as 757.
Rob posits: "757 Hunter St puts this building near PKF & Rundles between
Stewart Ave & National Park St. I have a photo from 1986 that shows
Dangar Commonwealth Bank at 797 Hunter St between Tudor & Denison St
(South side)."
Fortunately Google street view confirms this. All three buildings have
survived the 'West End Precinct' revival... so far.
Like Nu
A conundrum. Cannot find this iconic business in '76
directory. Clearly, however, back then was at 62 Broadmeadow Rd Broadmeadow.
Lounge Wholesalers P/L
49 Broadmeadow Rd Broadmeadow
Lyndy's Childminding Center
Ah, the days when child minding was, you know, just child minding.
Maitland RSL
425 High St Maitland
Margot Frock Salon
103 Hunter St
Melvic Carpet Center
Thomas St Belmont
Millingtons Carpets
Of the three locations - Belmont, Green Hills, 6 Cameron Rd Broadmeadow - this is 529 Pacific Highway Belmont.
Miser Jones
Moads Electrical & Moads Pritchards Marine
485 High St
Neville Ross Gosford
New Dawson Hardware ~ Geo Dawson
386 King St
Newcastle Aluminium Fabrications
50 Wyong Rd Lambton
Newcastle Hi Fi Centre
642 Hunter St Newcastle West
Newcastle Rugby Club at 41-45 Newcomen Street Newcastle
(Thx for name correction, to 'Rugby' :)
Newcastle Tile Company
31 Crescent Rd Waratah
Newcastle Toys and Hobbies (all-time fav shop)
565 Hunter Street
The street number places it opposite TAFE. Undergone complete redevelopment long since.
Newcastle Travel
335 Hunter St
Right next door to the Brown Derby cafe, where as a young teen I had my first coffee on my own dime. Pretty sure it was coffee essence and condensed milk, served by waitress! It would have been right after a viewing of 2001 at The Royal Theatre.
Norman Ross Discounts
625 Hunter St
One hopes the young talent was paid with that bike, but we suspect the
parents got a cheque for fifty quid and the kid got a packet of Minties for
his trouble.
Below: One of those product strips that will occasionally
appear with the other photos.
Ok, we'll have it cleaned up for the kitchen shoot asap.
Also included are two electronics pics of items long gone.
Norman Ross
Again, at 633 Hunter St. From previous set above,
Family Hotel is on the corner of Steel St
NR calls in the big guns - an outside broadcast van to do live commercials.
And somewhere in Garden City...
Northern Carpets
" "Northern Carpets" could be 412 Maitland Rd Mayfield West. Using Google
Street View, 410 Maitland Rd to the left of Northern Carpets is The Bhakti
Tree restaurant. The date on that building is 1923. Currently 7-Eleven
service station is 412-416 Maitland Rd Mayfield West. Rob"
I think you nailed it Rob. Looks like new brickwork on western edge in
Google. Possibly earthquake repair job.
NSW Aerated Waters P/L
Is this Cadbury Schweppes at 56 Orlando Rd
Lambton - aka 61 Griffiths Rd?
164 Hunter St. Also 501 High St Maitland
These two below were in the mix. Appear to be frames of news film. Maybe.
Peter Doyle Wines
3 Market Street, eastern side, Newcastle Mall ~ Rob
Prawn King Fish Shop at Maitland Rd Hexham. Sadly no premises pic.
Pullins of Maitland
389 High St Maitland. Carpets at 339 High St
Prince of Wales Hotel
1 Morgan St Merewether. Renamed to Prince of Merewether.
Raworths Music Center
Corner of Hunter and Burwoods Streets,
Newcastle. Evatt Chambers opposite at 380.
Above: Young Art poses as a customer.
Reid's Electrical
Hunter St Newcastle West
Remtex Fabrics
495 Hunter Street and 75 Nelson St Wallsend
Reuben F Scarf
291 Hunter St
At Garden City:
Robinson's and/or Down Unda Music?
For the 'record' can anyone recall if this is a music shop, clothing shop,
or the same shop? These pics accompanied West End Music, so was it the same
owner? Drop a message in the comments at the end of this page. Thx.
Rob confirms it's at the corner of Hunter and Market streets in the mall.
142 Hunter St
Samanthas Frock Salon
99 Tudor St Hamilton
Collection taken from a cine strip. Location looks like Gregson Park. Fairly sure one or two are mirror reversed.
Sandy's Glass aka James Sandy & Co
Mordue Parade Jesmond
Savemores Supermarkets
This household name had over 26 stores in the lower Hunter region in the 1970s. Shopping for food was so easy back then, with a minimart just down the street.
Scotts Pharmacy
Yep, a plethora of footwear.
Silver Sword Antiques
809 Hunter St Newcastle West
Btw, when someone appears in photos, especially holding their hand up, it's for the photographer to guage exposure. Reflectivity of caucasian skin is a handy indicator of the scene generally, more so if people are the subject.
Sterland Bros Gosford
S&W Miller
840 Hunter St Newcastle West. And across the road where Newcastle City Council now lives.
Guess the greater part of this collection has gone missing. So often the case in this series.
Aka Trans Australia Airlines. 444 Hunter St
Tattersalls Club 9 Watt Street
Not certain if these are inside the Newcastle club or generic agency supplied.
The Permanent Solution
133 Beaumont St Hamilton (beside northern lane). Later at 188 Lawson St Hamilton and 55 Mitchell St Merewether
The Store
854 Hunter Street. Branches too many to list, The Store deserves a page of its own. Below at Charlestown Mall in the 1970s.
The Hunter Street building in all it's flag-waving glory, awaiting an unexpected fate - demolition.
Artwork on the Hunter St building: painted in 1997, photographed in 2004.
Kurri Kurri building photographed in 2008. An example of The Store's retailing dominance in its prime as a cooperative society in the Hunter region.
The Waratahs Rugby Club
42 Station St Waratah
Thorsten Carpets
Pacific Highway, Tuggerah (?)
T. J. Wilks
679 Hunter St;453 High St Maitland; 130 Maitland Rd
Just the one pic. Btw, he's real.
TNT aka Thomas Nationwide Transport
Courier division Pacific Hwy Belmont. (Aero Pelican?)
This person NEVER delivered my parcels.
Tool Specialists
" "Tool Specialist" is 99 Maitland Rd Islington at the T-intersection with
Beaumont St. ~ Rob"
Listed address in '76 was 44 Brown Rd Broadmeadow.
Of the many reasons, cannot guess what the photographer's problem was with those outdoor shots above. Compare with the Surfest image below... (both colour neg, same scanner)
Tyrells Records & Music
Market St Newcastle (no street number)
(cf Robinson's and 'Down Under Music)
Waltons Furniture 1970
Can't confirm this is also the Waltons we know at Bank Corner. Note the address on a carton "Woolshed store (/stock?) Hannel St Wickham".
Waterman's Paints and Wallpapers
53 Cleary St Hamilton
West End Music
655 Hunter St Newcastle West
As with the entire collection on this page, almost none were annotated or dated. These were labelled 'Wests' and presume it's in the New Lambton premises circa 1975. Do let's know if otherwise.
Whitakers Glassware ~ charm alert.
R.W. & Son were at 133 Hunter St. J. & C. were at 8A Garden City. Which is it?
Winns Fashion Show
The famous Hunter & Brown Streets store. Branches also at Belmont, Cardiff, Cessnock and Wallsend.
Intentional or not, the bucket above and the carpenter horses below must be explained.
Why so many photos below? Can't resist onlookers' expressions. Especially Mrs Everage at right, staring the photographer down :0)
Photo numbered 96 is captioned "Newcastle Leagues Club Laman Street". That building is actually 41 Newcomen St.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Anon. And well done on numbering that pic. Been thinking it's rather difficult for viewers to refer to pictures unless they're numbered. Thros.
DeleteIt's actually the Newcastle Rugby Club located in Newcomen Street, not the Newcastle Leagues Club.
DeleteHello again. Photo numbered 82 "Bill Walmsley Menswear" is Beaumont St Hamilton between James & Tudor St. Fantastic photos. Thank you. Rob
ReplyDeletePhoto numbered 103 captioned "Art Fair Gallery" is 355 Hunter St between Wheeler Place & Burwood St. Rob
ReplyDeletePhoto numbered 105 captioned "Foley's Pianos" is 679 Hunter St between National Park & Steel St. Rob
ReplyDeletePhoto numbered 115 is definitely Gregson Park Hamilton. Rob
ReplyDeletePhoto numbered 127 captioned "Newcastle Toys & Hobbies" is 565 Hunter St between Steel & Union St. Rob
ReplyDeleteThanks again, Rob. And for all confirmations above.
DeletePhotos numbered 1 & 2 captioned "A-Mart" is 810 Hunter St (corner of Hunter & Florence St). Rob
ReplyDeleteAmart on the Hunter and Florence St corner was originally a service station for many years also let's not forget the Ambassador hotel up stairs
DeleteNewcastle Shopkeepers Of The Seventies photo number 99 "Northern Carpets" could be 412 Maitland Rd Mayfield West. Using Google Street View, 410 Maitland Rd to the left of Northern Carpets is The Bhakti Tree restaurant. The date on that building is 1923. Currently 7- Eleven service station is 412-416 Maitland Rd Mayfield West. Rob
ReplyDeleteNewcastle Shopkeepers Of The Seventies photo numbers 172-173-174 Robinson's Down Unda Music is the corner of Hunter & Thorn St (NW corner). If you zoom you can see Pumpkins ghost sign. Rob
ReplyDeleteNewcastle Shopkeepers Of The Seventies photo numbers 213 & 214 "Tool Specialist" is 99 Maitland Rd Islington at the T- intersection with Beaumont St. Rob
ReplyDeleteNewcastle Shopkeepers Of The Seventies photo number 153 scan 11822 "Peter Doyle Wines" is Market St (eastern side) Newcastle Mall. Rob
ReplyDeleteNewcastle Shopkeepers Of The Seventies "Gregson Park" photos numbered 176 scan 11809 - 179 scan 11807 & 180 scan 11808 are reversed. Rob
ReplyDeleteNewcastle Shopkeepers Of The Seventies photo number 37 scan 11804b Danilo's was at 66 Beaumont St Hamilton. Currently Son Of A Gun restaurant. Rob
ReplyDeleteNewcastle Shopkeepers Of The Seventies photo number 134 scan 11804a "Lighting Specialists. Next to Dangar Branch of Commonwealth Bank at 757 Hunter Street". 757 Hunter St puts this building near PKF & Rundles between Stewart Ave & National Park St. I have a photo from 1986 that shows Dangar Commonwealth Bank at 997 Hunter St between Tudor & Denison St (South side). Rob
ReplyDeleteNewcastle Shopkeepers Of The Seventies photo number 220 scan 11809 "Reid's Electrical". Is this Hunter St? If it is, 818 Hunter St is between Stewart Ave & Florence St. A big thank you for the best collection of 1970's Newcastle photos I have seen. Brilliant. Rob
ReplyDeleteMost appreciated, Rob. When originally picked over for importance, these were initially discarded as just 'noise' of those times. But before consigning the collection to archives, I had one more close look and realised their value as a snapshot.
DeleteNewcastle Shopkeepers Of The Seventies photo number 216 scan 11804a "Rayworth's Music Centre". Any idea of the location? I have photos of when they were located in Hunter St West between Railway & Cooper St and also the north east corner of King & National Park St. Rob
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteFinally got hold of an old phone book. It's "Raworths" and they were opposite Evatt Chambers (visible through front window) and at the corner of Hunter and Burwood Streets.
DeleteHi... your picture of the A Mart building, corner Hunter and Florence references the Ambassador nightclub being upstairs. The Ambassador was actually up the road at 800 Hunter Street... cheers!
ReplyDeleteThansk Barb. Page updated.
DeleteThat Coles New World is the Junction. Main entrance and carpark was at the back on Farquah St. It only had a small entrance on the left of building with high windows facing onto Union street. That is also one of the pictures. The yellow tyre service not sure. Sign post on corner says "Golf Course".
ReplyDeleteThx Bob. Will add that to the description.
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Additional information, anecdotes, etc., or corrections are welcome.