Pictures of Paradise.
Home to the Worimi Nation, Nelson Bay is one of Australia's most beautiful areas. Paradise.
An hour's drive north of Newcastle finds Port Stephens and its two popular townships: Nelson Bay and Shoal Bay. Pictured below, the touristy marina at Nelson Bay.
The following artwork was captured in 2004 and was all I could find at the time. Some was on the Shoal Bay loo near Tomaree Point, and some on Nelson Bay parking station in Magnus Street.
Submitted with no further comment, other than to say that at the time I was unaware of how to properly capture a sequence of walls or a contextual wide shot. Therefore, first image below is Google's street view of the parking station 15 years later, the fading artwork still there. The parking station sequence is followed by a half-dozen shots of Shoal Bay loo.
Below ~ Shoal Bay 'amenities' (dunny) near Tomaree National Park, facing Port Stephens shoreline in 2004.
A final word or two...
From onboard the Moonshadow whale-watch cruising restaurant. Not a lot of food stayed down this day.
Click the image below for an interactive panorama. It could take a minute to load and plays automatically. To view, use controls, mouse or gestures to pan and zoom.
At left, beyond the telecom buildings on Gan Gan is looking southerly down Stockton Bight towards Newcastle. At far right is east/south east, almost full circle. The bay entrance is at centre right. On this side (the southern side) are Shoal Bay and Tomaree. On the northern side are the townships of Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens.

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